Taoist Wicca
A Seasonal Self-Coaching &
Ritual Calendar System

Ministry Services
Spiritual Counseling
Handfasting (Pagan and Wiccan Weddings)
Parting Ceremonies to honor your divorce
Baby Naming Ceremonies
Prepare for a birth or death
Hospital and Hospice visits
Cleanse and bless your home or office
Perform rites of passage: into manhood, womanhood or becoming an elder
Initiation programs
Consulting services for established Circles
Rituals can be used to mark important life transitions, such as marriage, birth, coming of age, and becoming an elder. Lady Red Hawk's interest in this area was inspired by her back-ground in medical anthropology, which has given her a deep respect for various spiritual approaches and healing systems. Her degree in holistic health also sparked her interest in the use of rituals for healing and building community.
To grow Taoist Wicca, Lady Red Hawk has been training high priests and high priestesses. Each of them have approximately fifteen years experience and a rich understanding of Taoist Wicca, solid Interfaith ministerial experience with Universal Life Church, and 2nd Degree Reiki energy skills. Like Lady Red Hawk, each of her initiates is deeply committed to helping people explore and express their own spirituality.
Should Lady Red Hawk not be available to meet your needs, you can be confident that one of the several talented Second-Degree High Priests or High Priestesses can help you.
Our Talented Second-Degree Clergy include:
Lord Salmon - Brisbane, CA.
Lady Cosmic Sprite - Berkeley, CA.
Lady Pele of the Phoenix - Pine Island, N.Y.
Lady Amberwolf Ravenwing - Pleasanton, CA
Lord Artos - Pleasanton, CA.
To reach one of these talented clergy, please contact Lady Red Hawk and she'll forward your email.